Day 21: Good Food & Good Company

Last night my husband and I went out to dinner. It took us a little while to decide on a place to eat, but we ended up at a BBQ smokehouse. When we walked into the restaurant we were taken over by the deep smell of campfire. There were so many choices on the menuContinue reading “Day 21: Good Food & Good Company”

Day 17: The Little Leprechaun Gets Away!

“Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” Shouted the boys from their bathroom this morning.  “What?!  What is it?” I yelled back.  “Um, come here NOW!!!” They responded.  I ran to the bathroom. The beautiful, clean bathroom that I had spent cleaning the night before was destroyed by a little leprechaun. He painted on the mirror and sprinkled green items onContinue reading “Day 17: The Little Leprechaun Gets Away!”

Day 15: A Letter to My (Middle) Child

Last week I wrote a letter to my oldest son, and today I am writing a letter to my second-born son!  To My (Middle) Son: You have the most adventurous, imaginative, and fearless personality. You are our tough guy, but are always up for a snuggle. I love when you ask me, “Mommy, do youContinue reading “Day 15: A Letter to My (Middle) Child”

Day 14: St. Patrick’s Day Tradition

I woke up today looking forward to our family plans. It’s a much different morning than one year ago today. One year ago was the last time we saw family members before we began to quarantine the first couple months of the pandemic. I remember that evening our family went over to my sister-in-law’s houseContinue reading “Day 14: St. Patrick’s Day Tradition”

Day 12: Not the Thank You I Had Planned

While my husband was out of town earlier this week, my mom was a HUGE help (as always)! She managed all three kids’ schedules, chauffeured the kids to and from school and preschool, and prepared dinner. On top of all that she created some fun activities for the kids to do. They went on anContinue reading “Day 12: Not the Thank You I Had Planned”

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